Team Battle Series


+ WOD 1 "Strength"

Two Part 24 Minute Effort
12 Minutes to Find a
Max Jerk (Female 1)
Max Clean (Male 1)

12 Minutes to Find a
Max Snatch (Female 2)
Max OH Squat (Male 2)

Each team gets 1 bar and all teammates can assist with changing weights. For the Jerk and OH Squat the bar can be taken from the rack. Teams total weight lifted will be their score. Teams must take the score of each attempted 24 minutes. Teams cannot peace together several efforts

+ WOD 2 "Vigor"

With a running clock, every 2 minutes for as long as possible complete:

0-3 Minutes to complete:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Pull Ups (chin over bar)

3-6 Minutes to Complete
25 Thrusters
25 Pull Ups

6-9 Minutes to Complete
30 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups

9-12 Minutes to Complete
35 Thrusters
35 Pull Ups

12-15 Minutes to Complete
40 Thrusters
40 Pull Ups

+ WOD 3 "Courage"

For Time: Each Teammate will complete the following, relay style:

50 Calorie Row
40 bar Facing Burpees
30 Front Racked Lunges 125/85

Once you have completed your lunges you must tag the next teammate who may be seated on the rower

+ WOD 4 "Warrior"

For Time:
Teams will break up into 2 Groups Female-Female and Male-Male

Female-Female Complete:
100 Box Jumps 20”
50 Snatch #75
100 Double Unders

50 Dead Lift #135
100 T2B
50 Clean and Jerk #135

This is a task completion workout where the females will begin and complete the first 3 movements. Once completed the males will complete the last 3 movements. Score is total time to complete the entire workout. One person works at a time.